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Tips for Roommates

19 November 2018
Jack P, Whittall ‘20
Living with another human, especially if one has no had experience with this task prior, can be a complex and even a daunting task. Having another breathing thing within your 5 meter radius for a majority of any given day can be a new challenge altogether; one that boarding students at Brentwood have to learn to deal with. However, it can be accomplished, and two people can live in harmony, which makes life a whole lot easier for everyone around them. Rooming is all about mutual respect. Each roomie is entitled to their shoe shelf space, desk drawers, et cetera. Without consideration within the room, anarchy ensues. That being said, roommates are allowed to share stuff, which can help strengthen the bond between the two occupants. Each roommate is also obligated to do their share of cleaning, and split the room tidying as necessary. One may take the role of vacuuming, while another dusts during a number one inspection for example. Unless living in a cesspool is of interest, this step is key in keeping a healthy living style, which most people would lean towards rather than the alternative. All in all, rooming is a partnership. That partnership can create fond memories and a plentiful share of good times. “Whoever you get, it’s gonna be a good time,” says Brendan O, Whittall ‘20. This sense of togetherness creates an untapped resource of advice or suggestions, which is a blessing in disguise, as you never have to feel alone in making decisions or going through a tough situation. There will always be there for support and for you to look to in any case scenario. And you’ll always love them too, even when they borrow too much of your shampoo, or leave their garbage around the room in various places. But don’t even get me started on day students. Jack P, Whittall ‘20

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