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The Winter Break Reset

21 December 2018
Jack P, Whittall ‘20; Photo by Dan Norman
It’s that time of year again. We have clawed and crawled our way along this treacherous, rocky path that is first term, but we have arrived: Winter Break. It is finally time to relax and unwind, while also reflecting on the memories and experiences that we have gained since our September arrival. All those late nights plowing through assignments, or time in class cranking out study notes, has finally gotten us a break we deserve.  It suits us best to use it wisely. All of the work done in first term cannot be completely forgotten, but for the time being it can temporarily be put aside. While on break, copping some Z’s that we may have missed amidst Brentwood’s heavy schedule would be a good plan. Likewise would spending time with family, pets, and friends that you would not get to otherwise see. Take Juan N, Whittall ‘20 for example, who is “happy to be going back to [his] homeland” of Mexico to visit relatives he has not seen in years. Other than that, just enjoy the time off, and cherish the moments when little to no work will be required, because when school returns again in the new year, the tasks will once again pile up, meaning another term of resisting the temptation of procrastination that’s ingrained into our brains.  Until that happens, however, take the time to reset. Everyone can use a break once in a while. Enjoy a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the New Year everybody! Jack P, Whittall ‘20

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