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The Vision is Realized

4 October 2019
Cheryl Murtland - Deputy Head, Academics
Neil Robinson and Sue Cheung applied for a Brentwood Innovation Grant in 2017 to develop an idea they had for an integrated program in Grade 9. They envisioned a pilot program to combine three courses with a delivery that had fewer boundaries between the courses. It became clear that this approach would be an opportunity for all Grade 9s to develop competencies in thinking, communication, and personal and social responsibility while meeting the expectations of the learning standards associated with Science 9, Social Studies 9 and Applied Skills Design and Technology 9. Metamorphosis 9, or as we say around here, Meta 9, is in full swing. Our entire Grade 9 class spends every other day in class together, divided into smaller and sometimes larger groups with six teachers for a variety of learning opportunities. One focus for the year is on the development of executive functioning skills. Each morning that they meet, their school planners are checked for the tasks they need to complete and how they will use their prep time. We know that these skills are difference-makers in student success. Sunny D, Hope ‘23, seems to have listened to Mr Patel’s opening address to the students as she described the program: “Every week it’s a fresh start. We push the restart button.” Because the blocks of time are condensed, projects typically start and finish in the same week. Ty D, Whittall ‘23 likes how the design sprints challenge the students to work collaboratively and problem solve, to test ideas and communicate. He said that it made them “think on our feet” and come up with a solution in a short amount of time. Sunny also likes that what they’re learning in Meta 9 can be applied to her other courses. She found the strategies describing how to take notes in class especially helpful. The energy in the space is palpable as six teachers and 86 students spend an academic morning together in various groupings, working on a variety of elements in the program. Reflecting on what they’re learning is an important part of the process as the students become more aware of their optimal learning experience as well as the need to work in teams to accomplish a goal.

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