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Students Living February Midterm

13 February 2022
Owen S, Whittall ‘22
The much-needed February mid-term break is just over. It was a time for students and staff to abandon academic interests that were recharged from Christmas break - or maybe that's just me - anyways I was, for one, excited for the break which brings time off school.

Although this was a short break, it is still important to get off campus even if it is just for a few days. While many students stayed somewhere local, whether that be on the Island, or in Metro Vancouver, others traveled back to their motherland, however many hours that might take. I know that this travel is worth it, in order to see friends and family from home.

However, other students decided to travel abroad to some very exotic and warm locations, such as Arlo R who has been lucky enough to visit Mexico, where he has been - amongst other things - scuba diving, and coming into a close combat battle with a manta ray, where it seems that he has come out on top. This battle took place at the “Marietas Islands, which are just off the point of Punta Mita in Mexico” Arlo added.

I, for example, decided to travel back home, out east to snowy and cold Toronto, where I was greeted by my brother, bringing a wave of regret regarding the decision to return home, as he welcomed me home with a “Sigh.”. Although it was ultimately great to see him - ok it was good at least - ok I saw him if that matters.

I am happy that I was able to get home, and I hope that other students and staff feel the same way and that they have enjoyed their break. I am also excited to see everyone back on campus.

Owen S, Whittall ‘22

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