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Overview of Green Initiatives at Brentwood

8 May 2009
elizabeth wolfe
In previous years, Brentwood has initiated green policies across campus in order to minimize the school's environmental impact. These initiatives included campus-wide recycling centres, composting programs for each residence and the dining room, the use of Green Seal cleaning products, energy efficient lighting, and low flow plumbing fixtures.
In addition, we are now using more efficient heating technologies, exploring options for on-demand hot water, measuring our GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, and developing a vehicle idling policy. Our monitoring software allows us to track energy consumption across the campus (see photo).
In the future, we plan to explore the use of biodiesel in vehicles and boilers, adopt a life cycle costing approach to building and renovating, and explore options to become a net zero carbon footprint school. We also encourage our students to participate in environmental conservation and to study the science behind these green innovations used on our campus.

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