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Nothing But Gains in Girls’ Weight Training

12 February 2022
Maxine P, Alex ‘23
In second term, many girls who opt not to play competitive options like basketball, hockey, squash or club volleyball decide to build muscle during their off-season by taking weight training. Coached by Ms Scheck, Ms Ramsay, and more recently, Ms Van Vliet, weight training allows the girls full range of Brentwood’s state-of-the-art Foote Centre gym on sport afternoons to work out however they want.

There are currently 50 athletes in weight training, which is offered year-round. The sport is split into two one-hour classes this term: one for Grade 12s and another for everyone else. “I really like weight training” states Lily C, Mack ‘23. “You get to workout freely in a safe and supportive environment.” A lot of girls value their time in the gym because they are surrounded by their friends and allowed to move freely in a place that is often occupied by guys.

Many girls choose to follow the training programs created by Ms Scheck. After consulting with the student, she combines different weighted exercises to make a program suited for the student’s personal and athletic goals. Each program lists the recommended weight and number of reps for each exercise, and gives the athlete space to change those variables as they get stronger. “The specific programs help the girls reach their goals, especially when they start to incorporate progressive overload” says Ms Scheck.

Upon arrival, most of the girls choose to hit the cardio room to get warmed up by either jogging on a treadmill or hopping on a stationary bike. Afterwards, we can be seen walking around the gym, paper program in hand, following our workouts.

A very popular element of weight training is the flexibility that the students have in choosing how to spend their time. Instead of a structured practice schedule filled with drills and scrimmages, weight training allows the girls to work out on their own time by doing whatever exercises they want. People can choose the squat rack, bench press, and dumbbells or, if they’re looking for a low impact workout, choose to walk on a treadmill and stretch. The freedom that comes with weight training, and the excellent coaching, are why it continues to be one of Brentwood’s most popular athletics options.

Nothing but gains!

Maxine P, Alex ‘23

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