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Lift the Weights, Get the Dates

21 April 2015
Alvaro C, Ellis ‘17
Going up and down the maintenance road, the Cross Trainers run countless Milk Runs in what appears to be their normal routine. Cross Training is a challenging class that puts your endurance to the limit. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the Cross Trainers meet up at the Varsity Gym to run a couple of Milk Runs to warm up and then later proceed to the workout. The Cross Coaches Ms. McCallum, Paul Auton, and Ms. White are all splendid supporters for the Cross Trainers, motivating us to put our greatest effort forth. Cross Training includes all types of exercises from running to pull-ups. The sport also includes a lot of different disciplines, including hot yoga, swimming, paddle boarding, Tabata, and many other things. The coaches make a test at the beginning and at the end of the term in which we put their bodies to the limit while doing the maximum reps of a certain exercise. The purpose of this test is to see if we improved our strength and endurance throughout the term. The exercises included are Tricep Dips, Wall Sit, Plank, Beep test and Pull-ups.  Reid A, Rogers ’15 holds the record for the most tricep dips with 64 repetitions and Sienna L, Mackenzie ’15 holds the record for the longest wall sit, with an astonishing 31 minutes; Morgan W, Mackenzie ’15 planks for 4 minutes; Kabir B, Rogers ’15 holds the record for the highest score on the Beep test with a stunning 12.2, and finally me, Alvaro C, Ellis ‘17, with 30 repetitions, hold the pull-up record. These are some of the many exercises that the Cross Trainers have to face in their workouts. What is also great about this the routine is different so we don’t have to repeat the same exercise over and over again. We really dedicate our time to this class, knowing that at the end of the term we’ll notice that all the effort that we put in will show. Alvaro C, Ellis ‘17

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