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Hope House Grade 12 BBQ with Mr Patel

17 September 2018
Phoebe H, Hope ‘19
On the 11th of September, the Hope House Grade 12s were invited to a private dinner with the Head of School, Mr Bud Patel, at Brentwood's stunning new Foote Centre. The girls were treated to an incredible array of delicious food, drinks, and to top it off, ice cream. All the Grade 12s were asked about our Prefect roles in the house and given a chance to discuss our responsibilities and some ideas we had for the future. After that, we were asked to write candidly about three things What do you love about Brentwood? What would you change about Brentwood? What makes Brentwood unique? We went around the circle and we each poured our hearts out about our favourite teachers, kitchen staff, laundry ladies, and transportation people. Some chose to comment on the variety of classes, the wonderful University Counsellors, or even the view. Unsurprisingly, many chose to speak about the sense of family and community. “Brentwood is home, and the people here are truly my family” remarked one of the girls while many others nodded their heads in agreement. It was a heartwarming thing to hear. Mr Patel accepted feedback about change at Brentwood with grace: no one felt unlistened to - he took notes the whole way through. Many kind comments were also shared during the talk about what makes Brentwood unique. Everyone had something special that had particularly touched their heart.  At the end of the night, Mr. Patel said goodnight and wished all of us a wonderful week, and as the final few hugs were given, the school-wide fire drill was set off. A Brentwood student’s day is never truly done! Phoebe H, Hope ‘19

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