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Debate and Model UN 1

19 September 2017
Maya J, Hope ‘19
Each year, Brentwood's Debate/MUN team provides exciting opportunities. This year will, no doubt, be one of the best years for our Brentwood debaters, MUNers, and public speakers as we are participating in more and more competitions. Students will have a chance to showcase their abilities in events such as World Scholar’s Cup, VMUN, Golden Gnome, Regionals, Provincials, Nationals, and others. We will be presented with opportunities to travel around the globe, and even to Yale University, one of the best of the best. Our Debate/MUN programme provides no shortage of excitement and we’re so grateful to our amazing coaches. I have been a part of the Brentwood Debate/MUN program since Grade 8 and am amazed at how much I have learned since then. I have strengthened my public speaking skills and have learned to be open minded and look at issues from all sides. Debate/MUN requires you to think critically about all kinds of current and controversial topics. It’s crazy how eye-opening that can be! Developing your public speaking skills and broadening your perspective improves your performance in so many different fields of work! And it's a great resume builder (; This year we’ll be welcoming even more talented debaters and I’m excited to see our Debate/MUN family grow! Maya J, Hope ‘19

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