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Brentwood’s Unsung Heros

4 October 2021
Grace D, Alexandra ‘22
Orientation Week, as we know, is the first week on campus packed to the rim with house bonding activities, name games, a delicious BBQ at the Head’s Residence, and - arguably - the most exciting Interhouse challenge, Fun & Games. On September 6th, 84 returning students from all eight boarding houses selflessly and enthusiastically gave up a week of their summer vacation to welcome over 232 new students who would soon be arriving the next day from 55 different countries. From the moment the SEC members set foot on campus on Sunday, to when the last of the Orientation Assistants arrived Monday night, laughter and joy were around every corner of campus. The Brentwood family was reunited, finally.
On the night of September 6th, all the OAs in Alexandra House met in the common room, the heart of the house, to discuss the plan for the following day and to iron out the kinks in the operation to smoothly welcome the new girls into their new home. All was silent until Sofia S, Alex ‘24, smiled and said “I’m so excited to meet them all and hear about their unique countries; I think my heart might explode.”
Then, the day had finally come; all students were back on campus. Wee grade eights walked onto campus aimlessly, grade nines entered just happy they got a seat at assembly, and grade 10s smiled because they knew they were finally not the bottom of the food chain. Now onto the seniors; grade elevens are ready to sit down and work hard for their goals, and for grade twelves, the newly inaugurated leaders of the school, they return with their heads held high and their hearts in the interest of others, ready to lead the school towards an unforgettable year. Our Academic Prefect, Will P, Whittall ‘22 says he was “really excited to be able to come back for orientation and help the new students adjust. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the weeks to come with this new group.”
I would like to thank all returners for their hard work and leadership in assisting the new students, and I would like to thank the new students for trusting the Brentwood community and taking an immeasurable leap of faith; Welcome to the family. Here’s to a year full of great memories and unique experiences.

Grace D, Alexandra ‘22

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