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Brentwood's Support at The Moosehide Campaign

4 March 2020
Areeb S, Rogers ‘20
This past Monday, students from Brentwood and citizens from Victoria walked with the Moosehide Campaign to promote equality and to stand up against violence affecting indigenious women and children. Prejudice against indigenious Canadians is being studied by students in two courses offered at Brentwood: BC First Nations Studies 12 and Social Justice 12. In order to show commitment and allyship to the campaign, students from both classes wore moosehide pins and marched with the campaign.

The demonstration initially began with music and festive drumming with songs that told stories and visions about women. We then walked to the BC Legislature, where leaders of the Moosehide Campaign introduced themselves to the crowd and talked about their stories.

The creators of the campaign, Paul and Raven Lacerte, shared their messages on the campaign and how it has expanded. Damien B, Privett’21 exclaimed “The event was very powerful.” He, along with many other students, found the outcome of the day to be positive and encouraging for the future.

The goal of the campaign is to spread over 10 million moose hide pins to the rest of Canada and continue to raise awareness of violence towards women and children, and matters of prevention. Nathan L, Whittall ‘20 claimed that the event was a “fun way for students to participate and make a difference”.

Special recognition goes out to Ms Richardson, Mrs Amiel & Mr Norman who organized and chaperoned the event. With increasing support from campaigns and members of the local community, we can cure some of these maladies in our society and build a healthier future for all Canadians.

Areeb S, Rogers ‘20

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