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Brentwood’s 23rd Annual Cake Race

7 December 2010
Yesterday, on a glorious, calm water afternoon, the BCRC finished off its 2010 rowing season by hosting the 23rd Annual Cake Race. Randomly selected, rowers from all abilities and both genders were put into crews, to race for first place over a 1500 meter course. As is tradition, to add some fun to the proceedings, the crews made huge efforts to create costumes for the event.  There was a crew of tooth fairies, of little Bo Peep and her sheep, of convicts, of rescued Chilean miners, Crayola crayons, a ‘party’ boat and even one crew featuring all of the colours of the rainbow.

Drilling down the course, with the determination of men who are enjoying fresh air after months underground, the Chilean miners crossed the line first, closely followed by the rainbow crew, and earning the bronze, the crayons. The party crew, with a bevy of balloons, captured the prize for best costumes, with second place going to the convicts.  At the end of the race everyone gathered and enjoyed a delicious cake, courtesy of the dining hall ladies.

Train hard over the holidays. See you on the water in January.

Deirdre H

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