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Boarding School

7 February 2012
Why would I work at a boarding school? For many the term ‘Boarding School’ conjures up images of Harry Potter movies, drafty British-styled buildings, ancient staff members sporting long black cloaks and throngs of naughty teenagers begrudgingly sent away to be confined in wretched reformatories.  How could anyone send their kids away to a boarding school? Well the truth is, at Brentwood College they can’t. I feel sorry for the many teenagers that arrive at my office each day, dragging their timid, anxious parents through the doors.  These students know what they’re doing. “You see?” they usually whisper to their parents, “It’s not like you think it is!” These teens are correct: it is not.  I wouldn’t work here if it was. At Brentwood we will only accept students if is there choice to be here.  And they do want to be here! Why you may ask?  Why would these teens ask their parents to leave home to live at a school?  The answer is simple: because we do things differently. Brentwood is a place like no other.   It offers a modern alternative to traditional boarding.   It is a place where students are treated with respect and have a voice.  A place where opportunities are seemingly endless; a place where each and every student is allowed to grow, flourish and develop with encouragement and support.  It allows students to build relationships rather than follow archaic protocols.  Our students can all look at each other, to a person, and say “I chose to be at Brentwood”.  They know this because we wouldn’t accept them otherwise. Brentwood is a place where students come to get more.  To reach higher and not simply be content with the average.  To gain confidence and dignity, not be defeated and nullified.  Students seek to become a part of a community; they are not leaving home.  They are seeking a value-added life experience. I have spent years visiting schools around the world.  Brentwood is like no other boarding school I have ever seen. This is why I work here.

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