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And They’re Off!

22 April 2015
Seo Young R, Alex ‘17; Photo by Mr.Carr
This April 11th, Brentwood’s crew went down to the Maple Bay Regatta still half asleep. Our girls' program had been practicing hard as we’ve been forcing ourselves up in time for morning rowing. The rowers, including the veterans and the novices, went down in two buses according to their race times. The women’s program entered 11 races. Dominating the race, the Brentwood Junior Novice 8+ of coxie Maya J, Hope ‘17, Andrea M, Alex ‘17, Caitlin C, Hope ‘17, Matilda L, Alex ‘18, Nairee P, Allard ‘18, Josie S, Alex ‘16, Danielle M, Alex ‘17, Claire A, Allard ‘15 & Elizabeth B, Hope ‘16 came in first. Evie Y, Mack ‘15 also advanced to the top of her heat and came in first.  Powering through their race, the Senior Quad, of Jessica N, Alex ‘16, Featherdawn F, Alex ‘15, Sydney P, Alex ‘15 & Petra J, Mack ‘16, came first as well.  Although not all of us came first in our races, it was a good regatta experience that we will build on, as we preared for our own this weekend. Due to extreme conditions, the last five races were, unfortunately, cancelled. We loaded the trailer as fast as lightening and surprised Ms. Sage with our record time. Although the weather was terrifying as the waves tried to engulf the boats, we achieved great success with 26 points coming in first as a high school team. The Maple Bay Regatta was a good beginning to the competitive season in our girls rowing program. The next up is the Brentwood College Regatta in a week; let’s go Brentwood crew! Seo Young R, Alex ‘17; Photos by Mr.Carr

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