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An Elective Debate

20 October 2018
Ms Steele-MacInnes & Mr Bryant
Between Oct. 22 and Nov. 02, a voting package will be coming to all BC residents in the mail. As part of a referendum initiative, British Columbians are asked to weigh in on changing our First Past the Post (FPTP) voting system to what is seen as a fairer Proportional Representation (PR) voting, a system already used in 32 of 35 OECD countries today. Both systems are complex. So, four of our senior debaters put on a show debate for a local men’s group, organized by emeritus faculty, Rob Maclean. Nouhad W ’18, Yale H ’18 , Maurits F ’19, Gemma O ’18, along with Caden K ’18, Maggi B ’18 and Bronte G ’18, came together for a few hours over the past couple of weeks to fashion a full-length debate. After the debate, the men’s group had many questions, and then congratulations, for our students. Perhaps some votes will have been altered by this fulsome investigation of both voting styles – the perfect application of the skill of debate! Ms Steele-MacInnes & Mr Bryant

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