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Academic Enrichment

13 May 2014
David McCarthy
Educational enrichment comes in many guises. It can be an anecdote told in class to illuminate a topic, a field trip designed to help students delve deeply into something tangential to the curriculum, a neat demonstration in science, or a personalized learning project. In recent days we have had Dr. Ishiguro, an emeritus professor from UVic, come and lecture on genetically modified foods, helping Grade 9 students understand the political and economic aspects as well as the science behind this controversial issue. One of many external speakers who have brought the “outside world” to our campus this year, he enjoyed his experience with his young audience who were, in turn, enthused to learn in a different setting. Advanced Placement Biology 11 students have been busy with a major lab exercise, transforming bacteria using genetic material from jellyfish, genes that cause them to make a protein that then can be seen as it glows under UV light. This foray into the world of biotechnology was taken a stage further by one member of the class, Jordan S, who built his own PCR machine, a device that copies genes and enables DNA “finger-printing”. Complete with a mini-computer that he built and programmed, this machine has been donated to the school for further use by science teachers. Biology 11 students are also exploring the Cowichan Estuary at low tide and Social Studies 11 students have visited the BC Legislature. After the AP exams are over, seniors will design and build rockets in physics and a solar powered, aquaponic greenhouse in Chemistry. Academic enrichment, even in this very busy performance term for arts and sports, remains a key mission of the school and one which is demonstrated on a daily basis in a variety of ways. Mr. David McCarthy, Director of Studies

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