Brentwood College School Logo

A New Website

5 February 2014
Ian McPherson
It is no mean feat to convey the essence and beauty of our school in a medium better suited to ordering shirts and pants. Having said that, the Brentwood website is not only our face to an ever-shrinking world, it is a conduit for potential students to see what we do and how we do it, for students to express themselves and highlight their work, and an opportunity to express the character and personality of a very special place. Our previous website did a tremendous job of conveying the energy of Brentwood, so we have the luxury of building on a very strong foundation. The new site also strives to capture the feel as well as the energy of our campus and students. Our hope is that you will now share the new site with your friends and colleagues to continue to help Brentwood College School retain the search rankings that mean so much to our ability to attract and retain quality students. The design team has done a brilliant job in creating a platform that showcases the essence of Brentwood. Thanks to all the students, staff, alumni and parents who contributed to the launch of the site and to the development team.

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