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200 Hellos, 200 Farewells

6 September 2017
Jim Ganley
Yesterday, upwards of 400 parents, grandparents, and siblings arrived on our oceanfront campus to deliver their 200+ children, grandchildren and siblings into the supportive arms of Brentwood’s staff: houseparents, teachers, advisors, coaches, & cooks. In the late afternoon, amid a few tears and many lingering hugs, these supportive families departed, perhaps not to be seen again until Thanksgiving weekend. For the next 48 hours, our 200 new students, ably led by our Orientation Assistants, will be fitted for school uniforms, connected to IT services, swim tested, assessed for English set placement, and otherwise acclimatized to their new Brentwood home. This evening will feature the raucous and much loved Fun & Games Night, our first interhouse competition of the year. For more on that, see this page tomorrow. Jim Ganley, Brentwood Teacher & Parent

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