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Colts Rugby Launches Season

8 March 2017
Mr Phil, Smith, Coach; Photo by Jim Ganley
The Colts Rugby team had their first game of the season, playing in atrocious conditions on the back pitch of B field, against a small but courageous team from Southridge School, who braved a rough crossing, snow, and a Malahat closure to find their way to the game. The game provided an opportunity for our new players to learn the game by playing it, in the same spirit as a man who jumps off a cliff and tries to build a plane on the way down. No one knew what they were doing, chaos reigned, the ball squirted about, players scrambled everywhere, and it all ended too quickly. I think we won. Fergus made an exceptional tackle, Robbie hit rucks, Ope slipped his man, and Vlad ran like a bull.  Judging by the smiles, the day was a huge success. Mr Phil, Smith, Coach

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